Friday, January 25, 2013

...Assad has shown himself again! Nothing is wrong! The Genocide and refugees is because of terrorists! He is not to blame!

Folks Jesus has "reapeared", in a Mosque...!
But "Moha_mad" has not as yet...!

 Al Assad reaparece en público en una ceremonia religiosa en una mezquita
[[["...Al Assad reappeared in public in a religious ceremony in a mosque"]]]


El presidente de Siria, Bashar al Assad, ha reaparecido en público para participar en una ceremonia religiosa en conmemoración del aniversario del nacimiento del profeta Mahoma, que se ha celebrado en la mezquita damascena de Al Afram.

Antes de entrar al recinto, Al Assad ha saludado a los presentes, tras lo que ha realizado los rezos de mediodía, que han estado encabezados por el imam de la mezquita, el jeque Ahmad al Jazaeri, según ha informado la agencia estatal de noticias siria.

Tras la ceremonia, el ministro de Asuntos Religiosos, Mohamad Abdul-Sattar al Sayyid, ha pronunciado un discurso sobre el “sublime significado” del nacimiento del profeta Mahoma, en el que ha destacado que éste “solicitó que se aplicara la lógica y la mente antes que la muerte y la destrucción” y “creyó en la libertad de pensamiento en conversó con los que le contradijeron”.

“Al celebrar el aniversario del nacimiento del profeta, recordamos todo lo que superó y cómo Dios le hizo conquistar a sus enemigos. Podemos trazar un paralelismo con nuestra situación actual, ya que Siria se enfrenta a enemigos que conspiran, y podemos inferir que la nación saldrá victoriosa”, ha subrayado Al Sayyid.

Asimismo, ha solicitado a los sirios que “aprovechen” el llamamiento al diálogo formulado por Al Assad y que la consideren “una maravillosa oportunidad”, al tiempo que les ha urgido “a seguir los pasos del profeta Mahoma”.


Google Translate:
"[[[Syrian President Bashar al-Assad, has reappeared in public to participate in a religious ceremony to commemorate the birth anniversary of Prophet Mohammad, which was held at the mosque of Al Afram damascena.

Before entering the enclosure, Al Assad greeted those present, after which you performed the noon prayers, which have been led by the imam of the mosque, Sheikh Ahmad al Jazaeri, as reported by the Syrian state news agency .

After the ceremony, the Minister of Religious Affairs, Mohammad Abdul-Sattar al Sayyid, has given a speech on the "sublime meaning" the birth of the Prophet Muhammad, in which he stressed that "requested that applied logic and mind before death and destruction "and" believed in freedom of thought in which he spoke to contradict. "

"As we celebrate the birthday of the Prophet, remember all that passed and how God made him conquer his enemies. We can draw a parallel with our current situation, and that Syria is facing enemies who conspire, and we can infer that the nation will be victorious, "stressed Al Sayyid.

It has also asked the Syrians to "seize" the call for dialogue made ​​by Al Assad and consider that "a wonderful opportunity", while urged them "to follow in the footsteps of the Prophet Muhammad."]]]"


...Assad has shown himself again! Nothing is wrong! The Genocide and refugees is because of terrorists! He is not to blame! assured English people of various nations...! IF YOU DECIDED TO RISE IN ARMAMENT AND A NATIONS COMPLETE STRIKE FROM WORK...! The situation would be made as Syria with Civil Wars to death...! THOSE THAT ARE THERE WILL NOT LEAVE WHAT THEY SO MUCH CHERISH: Power over other humans making many "poor peasants", and running the World with ancient Religions,  making all believe that they cannot make things better, and that you cannot, and that Heaven is after death...!

THAT IS WHY THEY ARE SO AGAINST ME...! They do not have the mental capacity to determine that I am right and it is possible...!


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